Just Dance!!

Plie Squat
Stand in a wide stance with feet wider than hip width apart and toes pointed out. Slowly lower the hips down as you go into a squat. Keep the knees over the toes. Lower until the thighs are almost parallel to the ground then slowly rise back up. Repeat 10-15 times for 2-3 sets.

Single Leg Deadlift
Begin standing tall with proper posture. Raise one leg straight out behind you as you bend forward at the hips and reach towards the ground with your arm on the same side as the leg you are standing on. Keep your back straight, core engaged and your pelvis in a neutral position. Push smoothly back up the starting position.

Foot Pilates

Start by sitting with one leg out in front of you and theraband placed under your leg. Hold onto the other end of the band on outside of leg. Point your foot and toes away from you and then roll foot to the outside. Complete a circular motion to return back to the start position. Try to avoid moving the knee and have the motion come from the ankle. Repeat 10-15 times for 2-3 sets.

Start by sitting with one leg out in front of you and theraband placed under your leg. Hold onto the other end of the band on outside of leg. Point your foot and toes away from you and then roll foot to the inside. Complete a circular motion to return back to the start position. Try to avoid moving the knee and have the motion come from the ankle.Repeat 10-15 times for 2-3 sets.