Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Warm Up Exercises: 
A proper warm up is important for injury prevention in any sport. With all the throwing that happens in baseball it is best to get the shoulders and arms moving and stretched. 
1. Shoulder Circles
Stand with your arms up at shoulder height. Move the arms in forward circles working smaller to bigger, repeating 10-15 times. Do the same thing going in backwards circles. 

2. Posterior capsule stretch
Stand with one arm reaching across chest. Pull arm in with opposite arm to feel a stretch in the back of the shoulder. Avoid shrugging the shoulders up. The arm being stretched can stay straight or be bent depending on what is more comfortable. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds, repeat 3 times. 

3. Overhead Triceps stretch
Stand with one arm reaching overhead so elbow is pointing up and hand is reaching down to neck. With opposite arm push down gently on the elbow to feel a stretch through the back of the arm and possibly down the side of the body. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds, repeat 3 times. 

4. Anterior Deltoid stretch
Stand tall with both arms behind your back. Grab the one wrist with the opposite hand and gently pull arm across the body to feel a stretch through the front of the shoulder. If the shoulder is tight you can use a towel to make it easier to reach behind your body. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds, repeat 3 times. 

Stabilizing Exercises:
Any injury prevention plan should include muscle strengthening exercises. The following exercises work the muscles that support the shoulder.

Directional Abduction on wall
Stand by facing the wall and have resistance band looped around each hand and the hands anchored firmly to the wall around shoulder height. Keep one hand firmly against the while, while the opposite hand moves smoothly outwards against the resistance. Move in three different directions, straight out, up to a 45 degree angle and down to a 45 degree angle. Return to the start position after each movement. Repeat 5-10 times each direction for 2 sets. 

90 Degree External Rotation with Tubing
Start with resistance tubing anchored in front of you at about chest height. Hold the arm at shoulder level, with elbow bent to 90⁰ and with the forearm parallel to the ground, rotate at the shoulder until the forearm is in a vertical position and then slowly return to the starting position.

90 Degree Internal Rotation with Tubing
Start with resistance tubing anchored behind you at about chest height. Hold the arm at shoulder level, with elbow bent to 90⁰ and with the forearm parallel to the ground, rotate at the shoulder until the forearm is in a vertical position and then slowly return to the starting position.